
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Carrot Gujhia

Maida - 200 gm.
Ghee - 40 gm.
Carrot Lachha - 1oo gm.
Milk - 1/2 litre
Dry fruits - 100 gm.
Grind Sugar - 50 gm.
Cutted Almonds - 1 tbsp
Grated Pista - 1/2 tsp
Cutted Cashew - 1 tbsp
Refined oil for deep fry

1. Cook carrot lachha in milk on slow flame and stir.
2. When milk become thick then put dry fruits in to it and roast for a while.
3. Put almond, sugar,Pista, cashews after roast.
4. Carrot stuff is ready for filling.
5. Mix ghee and 1 tbsp carrot stuff in maida to make covour.
6. Mix properly and put little bit water to make tight dough out of it.
7. Keep for few minute.
8. Make small balls by prepare maida dough.
9. Take sancha and fill ready stuff on spread maida and give the proper shape.
10. Heat oil in pan and deep fry on low flame to be crispy.
11. Carrot gujhia is ready for serve.


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